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RHM 1 Searching for Studies

RHM 1 Searching for Studies

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Time before each participant experiences the outcome of interest
  • Eg,

–Time to discharge from hospital

–Time to recurrence of migraine

–Time to death

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Dichotomous
  • Continuous
  • Ordinal
  • Counts and rates
  • Time to event

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Categories with a meaningful order
  • Not true continuous data

–gaps between the categories may not be equal

  • Examples:

Short: Degree of burns (I-IV), Grades (A to F)

Long: Quality of life scales, pain scales

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Maps out:

–No. of records identified

–No. of records included and excluded at each stage of the screening process

–Brief summary of the reasons for excluding

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies


Results at 30 minutes following ingestion of coffee (at 10:00 am) indicated that caffeine was useful for reducing fatigue, as measured on a visual analogue scale from 1 (no fatigue) to 100 (extreme fatigue). The mean score (SD) in the caffeine group was 55 (5.5) and 70 (4.8) in decaffeinated group (p=0.04). There was no statistically significant difference in the level of sleepiness between the two groups as measured on the C-Esta Sleepiness Scale by trial personnel (caffeine group: 19 alert/focused, 21 sleepy; decaffeinated group: 17 alert/focused, 23 sleepy).

What is the mean value of fatigue score for the decaffeinated group?

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Design strategy before you start research
  • Use PICOS format as basis:

–Usually 3 elements are used

–General rule is to use the following 3 elements:

–There are exceptions from the general rule

–Eg, when study is focused on a certain outcome

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • There are only two categories
  • Eg

–awake or asleep

–in pain or not in pain

–pregnant or not pregnant

When working with _____________ data you need to collect:

  • Number of participants with ‘events’ (or in each category).
  • Total number of participants in the experimental group.
  • Total number of participants in the control groups.

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

Select the TYPE OF DATA that would be used for the following specific outcome measure:


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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies


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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

What is the total number of participants in the decaffeinated group?

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Outcomes that may happen to each individual more than once
  • Counts

–No. of times an event happened to an individual

  • Rates

–Counts measured along with the time

  • Eg,

–Number of tick bites per person in a day

–Number of falls per person in a year

Data to collect: Data in any form in which they are given in the study report

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • NOT controlled by commercial publishers
  • Produced on all levels of government, academia, business, and industry
  • Produced in print and electronic formats
  • Includes:

–Trials, registers, clinical study reports, conference abstracts, dissertations/theses

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

Sets of search terms

  • Intended to identify a particular study design
  • Useful in reducing large numbers of records

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Your included studies may not provide the data you expected, or any usable data at all
  • How should you approach these challenges?

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

What is the number of participants in whom caffeine did not prevent or improve sleepiness?

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

Select the TYPE OF DATA that would be used for the following specific outcome measure:


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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

What is the upper limit of the scale measuring fatigue?


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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

Select the TYPE OF DATA that would be used for the following specific outcome measure:


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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Measured on a scale

–Scale consists of equal intervals of agreed value

  • Eg, temperature, height, weight

When working with ___________ data you need to collect:

  • Mean value of the outcome measurements
  • Standard deviation of the outcome measurements
  • Number of participants on whom the outcome was measured

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

Select the TYPE OF DATA that would be used for the following specific outcome measure:

Select the TYPE OF DATA that would be used for the following specific outcome measure:

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

What is the standard deviation for mean fatigue score in the caffeine group?

What is the standard deviation for mean fatigue score in the caffeine group?

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

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Category: RHM 1 Searching for Studies

  • Lets you see whether the results it identifies are what you expect
  • If there are too many, or two few results you can revise your search strategy accordingly
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